Tag Archives: North Yorkshire

Presentation to Bedale Cookies W.I.

I gave a presentation about the Alexander Technique to 20 members of Bedale Cookies W.I. on Wednesday 8th June.

They were intrigued when I started with 3 scenarios asking 2 members of the audience to participate.  Firstly one lady had to pretend to use a mobile phone and walk to a table and write down a message, secondly I sat playing my guitar and thirdly a lady stood and sat a couple of times.

What was the connection between these activities??

It is how you use your body, your use as F.M. Alexander called it. Alexander discovered that there is a connection between your head, neck and back and they have to be coordinated for your body to move in an easy effortless way.

The talk was very successful with people asking many questions and showing lots of interest in lessons and my Introductory Alexander Technique Day Workshop at Old Sleningford Farm North Stainley near Ripon on 31st July.




Just stop and notice what you are doing as you read this article on your laptop or mobile

STOP AND NOTICE how you are using your laptop or mobile as you read this. We have habits which are out of our awareness.

If you are sitting  are you sitting in a slump ? Are you sitting on your sitting bones? Are your shoulders hunched forward? Are your feet wrapped around the chair ?

Sitting well using a mobile phone
Sitting well using a mobile phone


Sitting with good use with a laptop
Sitting with good use with a laptop

If you are standing is your weight equal through both of your feet? Are your knees locked back? Notice if your shoulders are hunched  and your neck is poked forward.