Tag Archives: discs

How is your head balancing on your spine?

Notice how your head is balancing on top of your spine imagine it’s like a ping pong ball just floating.

Look straight at a mirror then  put a finger in the hollow at the back of  each ear and slowly nod your head. Notice where the movement is happening, this is your head neck joint. If this joint is tight it will affect your overall use, the way you move. Imagine space in the joint and fill it with oil. Doing this regularly will help you get more awareness of the atlanto occipital joint (head neck joint).

Lying in semi supine

Semi supine
Semi supine is a daily practice that helps to improve your posture and calm your mind.

Why lie in semi supine? What are the benefits?

Your spine will re align itself

If you are stressed with adrenalin in your bloodstream semi supine gives your body the opportunity to remove it and let your body return to normal.

You stop which really is a challenge in the busy world everyone lives in .

You can practice your Alexander Technique Directions, Preventative thoughts.

When you get up in the morning your discs you have between most of your vertebra are fully pumped up but by lunchtime because of gravity all the liquid from the discs moves to the surrounding tissue. Lie in semi supine for 15-17 minutes and the liquid is reabsorbed. Remember to drink enough water because if you are dehydrated your discs will suffer.

Doing daily semi supine is a good way of helping to look after your back.

How do I do semi supine? It’s also known as Active Rest

Lie on a mat on the floor with your knees bent and you hands resting gently on your hips elbows out to the sides. Your head is resting on books so it is in line with your body. Be aware of the room, daylight, noises, the smell of flowers in the room using your senses. Keep your eyelids open.

Notice the contact of the floor below your feet, shoulder blades and pelvis and notice the books below your head.

Think the Alexander Directions as you lie there :-

Your neck is sinking down, the top of your head is moving away. Think along your spine asking it to lengthen and widen. Imagine your elbows are moving away from each other.

Think along your collar bones ask them to go out to the sides as you widen across the tops of the arms.

Think up thighs and shins to knees then up strings which go up from your knees to the ceiling.

Lie for 15 minutes daily.

Slowly get off the floor with awareness, standing and let 60% of your weight go through your heels. Scan your body and notice how you feel.